
Retirement Problem:

The success of your retirement depends on the amount you save, NOT on your rate of return. In fact, studies show that 74% of the money you will have available in retirement is driven by how much money you can save in the first place, and only 26% comes from the investment return. And it doesn’t stop there: the average savings rate of successful professionals is 9-12% of salary; however, the required savings rate to maintain lifestyle in retirement, on average, is 30-35% of salary!
Maintaining your lifestyle ranks at #1 or #2 on all financial concern surveys. 90% of successful professionals are chronically under saving.

What Can You Do?

The short answer is “save more”, but, for most, that simply isn’t realistic. Life just gets in the way of saving more. The answer is to use leverage, to finance a better retirement. But what does that mean?

Introducing Kai-Zen®

Everyone wants to maintain the same quality of life in retirement, congruent with a steady cash flow that allows you to continue living out your dreams and look after loved ones while maintaining a cushion of cash for extreme medical conditions, should anything happen.

This comes at high cost. People like yourself struggle to save the 30-35% of income needed. Kai-Zen® is the only plan on the market that has additional cash in the form of leverage, to help you bridge the funding gap.
What makes these strategies unique is you don’t have to qualify, be bound by a loan, pay interest or incur personal liability.
We did this for ourselves, employees, and family members. Now, they are available to you.

Keep More For Retirement

Kai-Zen is for high-income earning households ($100K+) who want protection and accumulation to last a lifetime.

Through hard work and determination, you are considered within the top 10% of all wage earners in the United States. Your income provides you a better lifestyle than most, but this has its disadvantages and restrictions from saving enough to maintain your lifestyle throughout your retirement.

Our Strategies have the potential to provide you…
Up to an additional three times more money added to your strategy. Tax advantages when you are ready to take distributions in retirement. Growth and protection, that will give you and your family options.

Why Kai-Zen®

We have all used leverage to purchase a nicer house or to buy a better car. Kai-Zen® uses leverage for the potential to accumulate more growth & obtain more protection, while providing the ability to maintain your current standard of living. That’s the smart way to use leverage.

Value Provided

  • Potential for more accumulation.
  • Maintain current lifestyle.
  • More protection for you and your family.
  • Diversify your assets.

Required Qualifications

  • Your combined household income is at least 100k per year.
  • You are between the ages of 18 – 65.
  • You are in average or good health. 
  • You contribute a minimum of $22k per year, for five (5) years, and there is no maximum.


Don’t Simply Retire. Have Something to Retire to.

Estimate Your Kai-Zen Benefits
Still not convinced? See the power of Kai-Zen and estimate your benefits by CLICKING HERE. This will create an “AHA!” moment and you will wish you would have found this sooner.
Feel free to contact us by phone, email or by setting up a time on our calendar:

Calendar: https://calendly.com/interview-today/kai-zen-intro-call
Email: info@retirementadvisory.org
Phone: 425.242.6011